Monday, February 14, 2011

What is it Today? Oh, that's right! It's Valentine's Day

Hi my kitty cats,
In my past, I have had a thousand crushes! - Seriously, you don't know the kind of guys I've liked.
So, I have made a little poem for Valentine's Day, a dedication, which is not entirely true.
Please people, do not take this seriously. This is a fun and romantic poem.

My heart will Never Die, For I am with You
I remember when you gave me a card
When you asked me to be your date
T'was hard to decide between you and the other guy
But you loved more, and never too late

My heart instantly popped
And our love, it will never die
My heart will never break
With you at my side

My love for you will always survive
Your kisses cause many distractions
My mind holds onto romantic thoughts
Our love doesn't come in fractions

I can't let you go since we kissed in the snow
And that's where the saga began
Since that day our love will forever stay
And live into another generation


  1. Good morning! I know you saw the awards post already today, but I just wanted to formally let you know that I have given you an award on my blog today! You can come and ckeck it out here...

    Have an amazing day, dtwilight!

    Plus, I love your little poem!

  2. Thank you AubrieAnne! I'm gonna check out that post again
