Sunday, February 6, 2011

I was Featured on 'Who's your Editor?'!!

HOORAY! WOOHOO! I am so happy today because I was featured on AubrieAnne's blogspot! I'd like to say a few words about this gal.
She is funny, smart, awesome, cool, lovely and considerate. If anyone were to pick a cyber friend, it would be her because of her awesomeness! You must follow her now! Go to and if you want to be featured on her blog, go to this link and write a comment, go to this link

WYE? header


  1. Congratulations and I'll try to get over and read the feature!

  2. Thanks word crafter. I really appreciate it.

  3. I had to follow this blog too...cats rock! I love your pictures in the sidebar and enjoyed your posts...hope school doesn't interfere with your blogging :)
    Many thanks for following my blog. However I am sitting in awe at yours it looks so wonderful and now I feel mine is as dated as I am!

  4. Thank you for following Carol! I really appreciate it.
