Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Rum Tum Tugger!

Have you ever seen Cats the Musical? Well, if you haven't then, my gosh, you have missed a good musical! I'd love to show you one of my favourite parts of the musical called 'The Rum Tum Tugger' - Rameses is a Rum Tum Tugger. I showed him the song and he was literally dancing to it.

Be sure to watch the musical. I know you'll love it and the songs will be stuck in your head for like forever!


  1. Oh DT- I would LOVE to see this musical. I really wanted to see it when Betty Buckely was the star years and years ago...can you believe the pageantry involved?
    Wow...thanks for sharing!

  2. No problem Tracy! I've been watching cats since I was a little girl and I still love it.

  3. I didn't have a chance to see 'Cats'...still hoping it will turn up locally at some point.

  4. VICKYFF... Thank you. I'll definitely look on your site.
    CMZ Art/ Rustic Goth... If you do see the musical you will absolutely love it!
