Friday, January 21, 2011

To Noisy for Food

Hello Bloggers,
The other day I was on YouTube looking at some boring, old stuff. Then, I clicked on the most funniest video ever. They're the most adorable little kitties ever! Wait, one problem. They wont shut up! So, if you hate noise, then it might be best to turn the their meows down, but you should still watch it.


  1. Awwww They are so cute. I love the noise actually! :P Saw this vid before and I love ittt!!! <3 :D

  2. Hello DTWILIGHT...down under. Thanks for coming to visit me. I played the kittens on youtube and my kitty was going bonkers looing for babies under my desk.

  3. @Dawn: I'm happy you liked it.
    @Boom: Hi Boom,
    It's a pleasure to have visited your blogs - They're amazing! I am from down under and I love cats!
