Sunday, January 30, 2011

Are you Looking Forward to School?

My opinion on NOT looking forward to school: Tomorrow, I face my horror, and that is (sob) school! Oh, I have forgotten every bit of my school work, but now it's time to face it! Blogging has been the best experience ever! At an estimate, I might post three times a week - that's what I would normally do. All of these back to school commercials make me want to cry, but apart from that, being with my friends will cheer me up. Parents may be jumping with glee and the people of the world may be joining them, but they might have forgotten that they have work themselves - only 20% of people in my country like the work they're in, 80% actually hate there jobs! I hope I'll have time to keep on blogging. School may push it aside *JOKES* - I will never stop blogging! Remember students, sleep in, even if your parents push you to wake up.

I might look like this at my desk
My opinion on looking forward to school:
Tomorrow is the day! WOOOHOO! Isn't it exciting! You get to wear your brand new shoes and nicely ironed uniform (sighs dreamily) I will never get sick of it. Wake up at 6:00 AM tomorrow and get ready as soon as possible! The worst part of school is going home - I never want it to end!

or I might look like this at my desk
dtwilight's Opinion:
Let me see, I can't be bothered with going for one, but I do have butterflies in my belly. I don't know what to think about my school work, I'm just looking forward to having a good ol' time with friends!

If you have a job, go to school or college, add your opinion below. Happy to be going back, or?


  1. Hahah enjoy school when you can Dan. You'll miss it terribly later. :) XD And no I definitely ain't happy about going to college tomorrow because we have an exam. Look at me, shamelessly blogging though I have an exam tomorrow.Don't learn from me ^_^ :P All the best for tomorrow :D

  2. I hated school with every fibre of my being - I was bullied (hear those violins?) and the school had a 'I don't care' policy which was not great. I don't miss anything about being younger either - perhaps firmer skin? But mostly, I like me now, my life now, the fact that I ain't gotta get out of bed when it's still dark. Good luck to you Dawn with that exam. Takes me back to my exams at University - lordy lordy they were a pain. Felt great after they'd finished though. Here hoping you have a great day at school dtwilight. Shah. X

  3. I swear there's a problem with the Follow button on the nav bar above - the amount of people i think i followed but i don't show up? Urrgh! Well I am now. Don't use the nav bar!! Shah .X

  4. Dawn... Good luck on you exam and I hope college is a wonderful experience!
    Shah... At some points I have been bulllied, but not all the time. I hope today goes smoothly.
    Shah... maybe you should go to 'design' and then settings. There might be something in there.

  5. I'm in year 10 so i know exactly what you're talking about. I keep taking all these great pictures and think of tutorials to post on my blog but I just never get the time because of schooooooooooooooool. :-( it's sad :-(

    I'm your newest follower, by the way! :-)
    Love from Denmark, Europe,

    The Creative Muslimah @

  6. Exactly! School comes in the way of everything. I try to blog all the time, but sadly I can't do it everyday. Thanks a lot homework :(
