Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pussycat got Fat?

I was watching Shrek Forever After the other night and it's quite a funny movie. Then, I come upon this little cutie. He was too fat, but he was very cute. He just made the movie! Here are some links below of Puss.


  1. Awww I got the same picture in my father's mobile just because I liked it so much. He looks so cute when he blinks. He uses this face to trick people. I absolutely love Shrek. He's so amazing.

  2. Iknow - He is such a swettie! I could never ever get that image out of my mind. Too Cute

  3. I think this kitty needs a little help from Jenny Craig ;) Jokes. He's a cutie :)

  4. Awww! I have yet to see the last Shrek, but I do really enjoy those movies and I love the actor that does the voice for puss! Thanks for the cute picture!

    AubrieAnne @

  5. Moana_B: He does need to see Jenny for a while. Even Tony Fergeson would be a good choice.
    AubrieAnne: I was on youtube trying to find one with Puss. There were so many, but I just couldn't decide, so I chose Puss in fat form.
    The voice of Puss is amazing - you're definitely right on that.
